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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Sep 1st. Here. We. Go!

Ok so, the past week has been pretty awesome! Lots of fun, I love spending time with my host family, and I'm starting to get a feel for things. But I'm also starting to compare my life here to that of a pet. I spend a lot of time following my owners around, eating whatever food they give me, looking at the confused while they speak to each other and perking my ears up every time I hear my name. Ignorance is grace though, and frankly I always thought my dog was pretty happy, so maybe I don't have it too bad. School starts tomorrow. Oh school, how I missed you! It feels akin to how I miss the black plague. But, life moves on. I'm a little nervous, but that's to be expected I suppose. I'm taking all language courses I think... English, French, and Italian... Italian is the one I'm most worried about. How am I supposed to learn a language that's being taught to me in another foreign language?? Oh well... I'm mostly worried about the social aspect... I suppose I'll make friends soon enough though... I hope haha. That's mostly all on my mind lately... Spending a lot of time at the beach lately... =D


  1. Hey man, don't stress about making friends at school... think about how it is when we get exchange kids in cortland, everybody wants to be their friend and they get plenty included. You are in that situation now. Plus, from the sounds of it you've always got the beach if things get to stressful :)

  2. Hi Max, c'est Juliette. J'adore lire ton blog parce que je suis exactement dans la meme situation. Les premiers jours a l'ecole, je suivais les autres eleves comme un chien, et je ne comprends toujours rien aux cours en allemand. Et quand j'entends mon nom, je tourne la tete d'un coup : "Hein, on parle de moi?".

    Bon courage, on en a besoin tous les deux!

  3. haha thanks!! im sure it'll get easier.

    And hey juliette! j'ai parles pas avec toi encore!
    Allemagne, c'est bon? ta famille sont tres gentil, j'aime ils beucoup. =D

    dites-moi les details sur facebook ^^
