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Sunday, December 5, 2010

Well... Another post!

I really should become more invested in this blog thing. People tell me writing helps relieve stress and I'm inclined to believe them. I'm doing fairly well as of late, we had so much snow over the last weekend/week that school got canceled for 3 days straight. Freaking. Awesome. Unfortunately, it's all gone now... Back to the lovely, cold, wet, rain. Yippie.
ANYWHO, here are some pics of the awesome snow time!!!

Ahh France in the snow. It's really amazing. The 3 days were filled with sledding on boogy boards and snowball fights. Which, you know, one could really get used to. Oh well...

Today I went wine tasting with Christoph, it was actually a lot of fun. Although I know close to NOTHING about wine. Seriously, they have all these words for the stuff and I struggle to find differences between 2 red wines at all. I suppose I'll learn eventually, or just get really good at bullshitting. Either way, people will think that I'm cultured.

For those of you interested, here be the list of wine's we bought:

- 2 Bottles of Sauternes Gallien 2009
- 1 Bottle of Sauternes Chateau Dudon 2005
- 6 Bottles of VDP du Val de Loire Sauvignon
- 6 Bottles of VDP du Jardin de la France Cab
- 3 Bottles of Medoc Chateau Sipian

-Pardon if some of those are hard to ID, I'm reading off of a receipt. -

Other than that not much going on! I'm going to Rennes next weekend with rotary, which promises to be most epic. And speaking of epic, check out my new blog!!! A fellow rotary student and I have decided to kill boredom in the most creative ways possible. And why the hell not have a blog for it too! Check it out at:

Sooooooooo yah. Check it out. =D

Other than that, I don't have much else! Talk to you all soon!!
Au revoir! A bientot.


  1. Good stuff, Max! Glad Christoph was with you for the tasting ; ) Sounds like you had fun. Also, the pictures are pretty... You have a great view from your house! Later, buddy... Pops.
