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Thursday, September 2, 2010

Sep 2nd. OMG

Ok first day of school. DOWN. And I have stories!! First let me tell you... I'm tired... I can't believe how much I don't understand French! Seriously. Maybe this will explain a little:
Anyway... Let me break down my day for you. 
I get to school, and it's probably the most chaotic scene I have ever seen at a high school in my life. Kids everywhere... No rhyme or reason, just crowds and crowds of people. It was hard to tell what was going on really. After finding out what class I had first, I regrouped with my fellow exchange student Israel, and we went to "homeroom". He seemed to be just as confused as I was. 

We get to our homeroom, and waited for maybe 10 minutes for our teacher to show up... OY. We finally are allowed in, and are introduced as exchange students. This, as you would expect, sparked the interest of the other students. But not really in the good way. They just kind of... stared at us, and laughed when we didn't understand something. They weren't mean... just.. yeah. So our teach talks for 20-30 minutes, I understand nothing... Then Surprise!!! She's a math teacher. She then proceeds to give us what i assume were the plans for the CERN. I struggle with them, and somehow manage to answer a question correctly... Yay guessing!! Class ends abruptly and Israel and I go outside.
Let me make this clear... Me, as an American, appreciate my personal space bubble. French teenagers on the other hand... Don't. My bubble was popped very quickly in the lunch line. There was what seemed to be 100-150 students all trying to crowd through one small door at once, this was supplemented by a presumably sadistic group of adults who would let the students though the door every now and then, laughing as the group would essentially trample each other to get the food inside. The food was okay. 

After lunch, more math! this went the same as before, flew by. But after cam French class. This class was hard enough for me when it was in English... But holy... The teacher was nice enough, he tried to help Israel and I as much as possible. The project was to create what i think was coat of arms which answered  some questions about our personal lives. Mine turned out like this:

An example of how my day went... 

After this class was over, the day was done. I walked home, and here I sit... Oh wait, I have a rotary dinner tonight... Damn!

Rotary dinner was fun! I finally to speak a little bit. My mouth's basically been shut for the past week. Met some cool people and got money!!! So I'm not complaining. =D

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Max!!! I am sorry but this is hilarious! You will figure it out - you have a whole year! Love Mom
    PS Your french on your coat of arms is actually pretty good!!
